Dictionary in python


Good morning! I'm having trouble breaking information and dictionary in python. My dictionary is a dictionary generated by Biopython like the one below:

{'LastUpdate': '2016/11/11 04:34', 'Count': '26645932', 'DbName': 'pubmed', 'LinkList': [{'Description': 'Assembly', 'Menu': 'Assembly', 'DbTo': 'assembly', 'Name': 'pubmed_assembly'}, {'Description': 'Related Projects', 'Menu': 'Project Links', 'DbTo': 'bioproject', 'Name': 'pubmed_bioproject'}, {'Description': 'BioSample links', 'Menu': 'BioSample Links', 'DbTo': 'biosample', 'Name': 'pubmed_biosample'}, {'Description': 'BioSystems', 'Menu': 'BioSystem Links', 'DbTo': 'biosystems', 'Name': 'pubmed_biosystems'}, {'Description': 'PubMed links associated with Books', 'Menu': 'Cited in Books', 'DbTo': 'books', 'Name': 'pubmed_books_refs'}, {'Description': 'Link to related CDD entry', 'Menu': 'Conserved Domain Links', 'DbTo': 'cdd', 'Name': 'pubmed_cdd'}, {'Description': 'Clinical variations associated with publication', 'Menu': 'ClinVar', 'DbTo': 'clinvar', 'Name': 'pubmed_clinvar'}, {'Description': 'Clinical variations calculated to be associated with publication', 'Menu': 'ClinVar (calculated)', 'DbTo': 'clinvar', 'Name': 'pubmed_clinvar_calculated'}, {'Description': 'Link from PubMed to dbVar', 'Menu': 'dbVar', 'DbTo': 'dbvar', 'Name': 'pubmed_dbvar'}, {'Description': 'Related dbGaP record', 'Menu': 'dbGaP Links', 'DbTo': 'gap', 'Name': 'pubmed_gap'}, {'Description': 'Related GEO DataSets', 'Menu': 'GEO DataSet Links', 'DbTo': 'gds', 'Name': 'pubmed_gds'}, {'Description': 'Link to related Genes', 'Menu': 'Gene Links', 'DbTo': 'gene', 'Name': 'pubmed_gene'}, {'Description': 'Gene records in this citation', 'Menu': 'Gene (from Bookshelf)', 'DbTo': 'gene', 'Name': 'pubmed_gene_bookrecords'}, {'Description': 'PubMed links to Gene derived from pubmed_omim_cited links', 'Menu': 'Gene (OMIM) Links', 'DbTo': 'gene', 'Name': 'pubmed_gene_citedinomim'}, {'Description': 'Records in Gene identified from shared sequence and PMC links.', 'Menu': 'Gene (nucleotide/PMC)', 'DbTo': 'gene', 'Name': 'pubmed_gene_pmc_nucleotide'}, {'Description': 'Link to Gene for the GeneRIF 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'DbTo': 'medgen', 'Name': 'pubmed_medgen_omim'}, {'Description': 'Published Nucleotide sequences', 'Menu': 'Nucleotide Links', 'DbTo': 'nuccore', 'Name': 'pubmed_nuccore'}, {'Description': 'Link to Nucleotide RefSeqs', 'Menu': 'Nucleotide (RefSeq) Links', 'DbTo': 'nuccore', 'Name': 'pubmed_nuccore_refseq'}, {'Description': 'Links to nuccore', 'Menu': 'Nucleotide (Weighted) Links', 'DbTo': 'nuccore', 'Name': 'pubmed_nuccore_weighted'}, {'Description': 'Published EST sequences', 'Menu': 'EST Links', 'DbTo': 'nucest', 'Name': 'pubmed_nucest'}, {'Description': 'Published GSS sequences', 'Menu': 'GSS Links', 'DbTo': 'nucgss', 'Name': 'pubmed_nucgss'}, {'Description': 'OMIM records in this citation', 'Menu': 'OMIM (from Bookshelf)', 'DbTo': 'omim', 'Name': 'pubmed_omim_bookrecords'}, {'Description': 'OMIM (calculated) Links', 'Menu': 'OMIM (calculated) Links', 'DbTo': 'omim', 'Name': 'pubmed_omim_calculated'}, {'Description': 'OMIM (cited) Links', 'Menu': 'OMIM (cited) Links', 'DbTo': 'omim', 'Name': 'pubmed_omim_cited'}, {'Description': 'Related PubChem BioAssay', 'Menu': 'PubChem BioAssay', 'DbTo': 'pcassay', 'Name': 'pubmed_pcassay'}, {'Description': 'Related PubChem Compound', 'Menu': 'PubChem Compound', 'DbTo': 'pccompound', 'Name': 'pubmed_pccompound'}, {'Description': 'Related PubChem Compound via MeSH', 'Menu': 'PubChem Compound (MeSH Keyword)', 'DbTo': 'pccompound', 'Name': 'pubmed_pccompound_mesh'}, {'Description': 'Publisher deposited structures linked to PubChem Compound', 'Menu': 'PubChem Compound (Publisher)', 'DbTo': 'pccompound', 'Name': 'pubmed_pccompound_publisher'}, {'Description': 'Related PubChem Substance', 'Menu': 'PubChem Substance Links', 'DbTo': 'pcsubstance', 'Name': 'pubmed_pcsubstance'}, {'Description': 'Structures in the PubChem Substance database in this citation', 'Menu': 'PubChem Substance (from Bookshelf)', 'DbTo': 'pcsubstance', 'Name': 'pubmed_pcsubstance_bookrecords'}, {'Description': 'PubChem Substances supplied by publisher', 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Similar articles are displayed in ranked order from most to least similar, with the “linked from” citation displayed first.', 'Menu': 'Similar articles', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed'}, {'Description': '<p>Links to additional articles that others frequently viewed together with your selection.</p><p><i>An experimental new feature from PubMed Labs</i>.</p>', 'Menu': 'Articles frequently viewed together', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed_alsoviewed'}, {'Description': 'PubMed abstracts for articles cited in this record', 'Menu': 'References for this Bookshelf citation', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed_bookrecords'}, {'Description': 'PubMed Health systematic reviews that cite this article.', 'Menu': 'Cited in systematic reviews', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed_pmh_cited'}, {'Description': 'References for this PMC Article', 'Menu': 'References for PMC Articles', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed_refs'}, {'Description': 'PubMed to SNP links', 'Menu': 'SNP Links', 'DbTo': 'snp', 'Name': 'pubmed_snp'}, {'Description': 'Related SNP (Cited) records', 'Menu': 'SNP (Cited)', 'DbTo': 'snp', 'Name': 'pubmed_snp_cited'}, {'Description': 'Links to Short Read Archive Experiments', 'Menu': 'SRA Links', 'DbTo': 'sra', 'Name': 'pubmed_sra'}, {'Description': 'Published 3D structures', 'Menu': 'Structure Links', 'DbTo': 'structure', 'Name': 'pubmed_structure'}, {'Description': 'Related Taxonomy entry computed using other Entrez links', 'Menu': 'Taxonomy via GenBank', 'DbTo': 'taxonomy', 'Name': 'pubmed_taxonomy_entrez'}, {'Description': 'Related UniGene', 'Menu': 'UniGene Links', 'DbTo': 'unigene', 'Name': 'pubmed_unigene'}], 'Description': 'PubMed bibliographic record', 'DbBuild': 'Build161110-2247m.1', 'MenuName': 'PubMed', 'FieldList': [{'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'All Fields', 'TermCount': '179662784', 'SingleToken': 'N', 'Description': 'All terms from all searchable fields', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'ALL'}, {'IsNumerical': 'Y', 'FullName': 'UID', 'TermCount': '0', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Unique number assigned to publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'Y', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'UID'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Filter', 'TermCount': '10010', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Limits the records', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'FILT'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Title', 'TermCount': '16239663', 'SingleToken': 'N', 'Description': 'Words in title of publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'TITL'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Text Word', 'TermCount': '57203893', 'SingleToken': 'N', 'Description': 'Free text associated with publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'WORD'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'MeSH Terms', 'TermCount': '608343', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Medical Subject Headings assigned to publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'Y', 'Name': 'MESH'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'MeSH Major Topic', 'TermCount': '544923', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'MeSH terms of major importance to publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'Y', 'Name': 'MAJR'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Author', 'TermCount': '17774068', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Author(s) of publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'AUTH'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Journal', 'TermCount': '183816', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Journal abbreviation of publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'JOUR'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Affiliation', 'TermCount': '38492277', 'SingleToken': 'N', 'Description': "Author's institutional affiliation and address", 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'AFFL'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'EC/RN Number', 'TermCount': '95990', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'EC number for enzyme or CAS registry number', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'ECNO'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Supplementary Concept', 'TermCount': '248253', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'CAS chemical name or MEDLINE Substance Name', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'SUBS'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Date - 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Identifier', 'TermCount': '519701', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Author Identifier', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'AUID'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Subject - Personal Name', 'TermCount': '530123', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Personal Name as Subject', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'PS'}]}

I would like to pass this data to a text file. in the following format.

LastUpdate: 2016/11/11 04:34
Count: 26645932
DbName: pubmed

But my code does not even return the list of values of those keys by dictionaries. The Class for testing is as follows:

class Contact:
    def __init__(self, dic):
        self.lista = list((self.NestedDictValues(dic))

    def NestedDictValues(self,d):
        for v in d.values():
            if isinstance(v,dict):
                yield from NestedDictValues(v)
                yield v

The return when I call the class with a simple dictionary is the following:

<Classe.Contact object at 0x7fae3f486b70>

How to extract these tuples? Because this code extracts all the values from the dicinario but I would have to get the key together with the content. This method can extract the values of the dictionary but when placed in class does not work.

asked by anonymous 12.11.2016 / 14:35

1 answer


You should save this value to a variable and then print it or return its value. In case, as you are using a generator, you need to have a "receiver" to be able to handle these values. To help you, there is a video you can watch to help you: link

13.11.2016 / 22:26