Validate form if variable1 is greater than variable2

Hello, I'm creating a form where the person must provide two values, a lower limit and a higher one, if the lower limit is greater than the upper one I would like an error message to be generated! before the form is sent. I have managed to make it "work", but when I enter even numbers in the first input, the validation gets lost and returns as if nothing was typed (last else).

var input2 = $('#limiteinf');
var input3 = $('#limitesup');
var saida2 = $('.help-block2');

input2.on('input', function() {
input3.on('input', function() {

function atualiza2() {
  var inferior2 = $("#limiteinf").val();
  var superior2 = $("#limitesup").val();
  var inferior = parseFloat(inferior2);
  var superior = parseFloat(superior2);
  if (inferior & superior != '') {

    if (inferior > superior) {
      $(".help-block2").html("O limite inferior deve ser menor que o Superior!");
    // Se resposta for false, ou seja, não ocorreu nenhum erro
    else {
      // Exibe mensagem de sucesso
      // Coloca a mensagem no div de mensagens
  } else {
    $(".help-block2").html("Informe os LIMITES!");

  // saida.html('exibe resultado...');
  //aqui você pode chamar a função ajax
<input id="limiteinf" placeholder="Limite inferior" pattern="[0-9]+$"></input>
<input id="limitesup" placeholder="Limite superior" pattern="[0-9]+$"></input>
<p class="help-block2"></p>
asked by anonymous 27.11.2016 / 03:47

1 answer


The and logical operator of the first if is not correct, so it is always falling in the else.

The right would be && instead of & .

It also seems like there is an unnecessary%% at the end.

27.11.2016 / 05:26