Error in formula with OU


Any reason why this does not work?

I want it to tell you how many situations exist within one or the other criteria.

Both this formula:

=CONTAR.SE.S(E:E;">120";E:E;"<139" OU F:F;">80";F:F;"<89")

Like this:


It does not work.

Translating better what I want is like this: I want the total value of a table in which the values of column E are between 120 and 139 or so in column F the values are between 80 and 89. If this line has both situations as true it will only count one.

Type an if, if condition 1 = true then account 1 passes to the next reverse case checks condition 2 and if this is true account 1 and passes to next

asked by anonymous 27.05.2015 / 13:22

3 answers


Attention : I do not know if this is due to the version of Excel, but in my Excel   in English (version 14.0.7149.5000 32-bit Office 2010) no   there is a function called CONTAR.SE.S . The function that exists in my   Excel is CONT.SES (and so I use it in the example). Even so,   assuming its function is with the correct name, the answer   is still valid (just change the function name).

The function

27.05.2015 / 22:34

Multiple answers have been presented, but here is a more concise alternative to what you want to get.


A very important detail: When you finish entering this formula, you need to press

27.05.2015 / 14:30

The syntax of the OU function is wrong. It works as follows:

OU(condição1, condição2,...,condiçãoN)

If any of the conditions within the function are true, it returns true.

See this article about using of the OU and SE functions together, and read the documentation for the OU function here

27.05.2015 / 19:19