Boleto bradesco PHP


I have a system and I use the Boleto PHP portfolio 25 without Bradesco registration, I received a call from the bank saying that this portfolio will stop exist only passing to portfolio with Registry.

I use the Boleto PHP layout .

The main difference is that in the model Boleto without registration, the Bank is aware of the issue when your customer makes the payment, already in the "Registered" charge the bank is aware at the moment you issue the ticket.

Does anyone know how this layout is done or can I continue to use BoletoPHP's layout? I think the layout of BoletoPHP is only for wallet without registration because with registration I have to send a consignment to the bank at the moment the ticket is generated. This is my problem, this blessed consignment.

asked by anonymous 22.12.2015 / 21:08

2 answers


Good morning, First of all, the bank usually offers a system integration manual and also what the layout of the REFERENCE FILE should be, this is the name of the file that will contain information about the ticket or the tickets you generate.

This is a simple, unformatted text file that should follow standards that the bank needs, usually regulated by Febraban.

This file will contain information such as ticket amount, our number, expiration, and so forth of the tickets you wish to send.

The bank provides a communication channel similar to the one that exists with the Treasury Department where it is possible to submit this file.

To avoid the tedious task of sending this consignment file every time it generates a ticket, it is interesting that there is a routine so that before the end of the business day a single consignment of this file is sent to the bank containing all the tickets issued during the time, but this is relative to the process adopted in the company.

This was a very superficial explanation, in summary the manager of your client will get these manuals for you to do according to what Bradesco establishes.

Strong hug

29.02.2016 / 12:37

It turns out that in the new system, which will take effect in 2017, all tickets will be registered in a single database, shared with all banks. Where the ticket can only be paid if it is already registered in that database. That way, it will be imperative to send the shipping file before even displaying the ticket to the customer.

The new flow will look like this:

  • Customer performs the purchase
  • The billet layout is generated
  • The ticket is registered in the bank (similar connection to credit card transactions)
  • The ticket is delivered / displayed to the customer
  • Customer makes payment
  • If you do not perform step 3, the customer may even receive the ticket but will not be able to pay.

    06.04.2016 / 16:00