Next I'm doing a tutorial tutorial for the program, I did not find a good solution to do.
I created one screen over another with transparency, so far so good, but when I placed an image on this screen, it also became transparent. So I created a third screen, it is totally transparent and with the images, so far so good, but the images were pixelated or squared, it is very blurry to see the pixels around it, I do not know what the effect is called, but anyway, I can not make them pretty so to speak.
I have tried with a PictureBox, but it has the black background, I also tried with the code below, it stays transparent, but it stays as I described pixeadas:
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
RectangleF rect = new RectangleF((this.Size.Width * 0.26f) / 2, (this.Size.Height * 0.26f) / 2, this.Size.Width * 0.84f, this.Size.Height * 0.84f);
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.img, rect);
If anyone has any idea how it can be done, or if it can be done with less Form's ...