Github - Download project (Beginner)


I'm getting started in Git-Hub ... I downloaded the Git-Hub version for Windows (version with graphical interface). I can create repository, commit and publications.

Would you like to know how I can download a project made by another user, make modifications, and submit them? Is it possible to download projects from other users in .ZIP?


asked by anonymous 18.03.2017 / 21:59

1 answer


If you want to copy an existing Git repository - for example, a project you want to contribute - the required command is git clone , for example:

$ git clone git://

This creates a directory named grit , initializes a .git directory within it, gets all data from the repository, and checks the current copy of the latest version. If you enter the new grit directory, you will see all project files in it, ready to be edited or used.

After making your contributions, you just have to commit , the owner of the repository in turn, you have to authorize it, otherwise your commit's will not be added to the repository.

18.03.2017 / 22:11