I made a graph with the barplot function, and I need to change the angle of the text on the X axis because the words are long. I know that to put them vertically use las = 2, but I want them to be inclined (an angle of 45 °). How do I do?
This was the script I used:
barplot(prop.sentenca [ ,1], beside = T,
main = "Proporção de aplicação do imperativo com morfologia de indicativo \n por Sentença em Feira de Santana-BA", names.arg = c("correr","sair", "viajar", "cozinhar", "comprar", "arrumar"),
ylim = c(0,90), ylab = "Proporção do imperativo com morfologia de indicativo",
xlab = "Sentença", col = c("deepskyblue"),las=2)