My project Laravel does not go up on the server


I'm following the following online course on youtube:

1 - CRUD in LARAVEL & VUEjs - Webpack, Laravel Mix, NPM, Axios | Rimorsoft Online

When I go up the server with the command yarn run dev it gives a success message as you can see below;





I'm just hanging on this help because it did not generate any PowerShell errors.

asked by anonymous 05.10.2017 / 12:37

1 answer


Artisan according to the Laravel documentation, is the name given to the command line interface included with Laravel


With it you can do several operations related to Laravel .

To see the list of available Artisan commands, type the command below in the Terminal , Command Prompt , PowerShell .

php artisan list

To run a local server to serve your application, run the command:

php artisan serve

Example, the command below it creates for you a random key for your application, for use in Sessions , Encryption , etc.

php artisan key:generate
The make command makes it much easier to create Controllers , Models , etc., you only enter the name and it creates the file for you , example:

php artisan make:controller Contato // Cria um Controller com o nome Contato
php artisan make:model Contato // Cria um Model com o nome Contato

It is also possible to work with Cron entries directly by the Laravel application without the need to connect SSH .

And so on, it has several commands, if it will list here it will take hours.


05.10.2017 / 12:57