Sequential execution in Javascript or Angular


I am creating a controller for an AngularJs application, in this controller I will have 3 methods that must be executed in sequence.


$scope.albums = [];
$ = [];

//Metodo que vai setar o array de albums e chamar a função para buscar as fotos de cada album.
function getAlbums() {
    var album = null;
    resource = $resource(url_albums);
    resource.get().$promise.then(function(response) {
        $scope.albums = response.photosets.photoset;
        for (i = 0; i < $scope.albums.length; i++) {
            album = $scope.albums[i];
            //vou pegar a primeira foto e colocar a url dela no album.
    }, function(promise) {
        alert("Ops parece que um erro inesperado ocorreu o_0!");

//Seta o array de photos e chama método ara adicionar URL em cada foto.
function getPhotosFromAlbum(album_id) {
    var photos = [];
    url_photos = url_photos.replace('{album_id}', album_id);
    resource = $resource(url_photos);
    resource.get().$promise.then(function(response) {
        $ =;
    }, function(promise) {
        alert("Ops parece que um erro inesperado ocorreu o_0!");

//Adiciona a url no Json da photo e devolve para o array na mesma posição que estava.
function addPhotoUrl() {
    var photo = null;
    for (i = 0; i < $; i++) {
        photo = $[i];
        photo = Object.defineProperty(photo, 'photo_url:', {
            value: 'http://farm' +
                '' +
                photo.server +
                '/' +
                '_' +
                photo.secret +
        $[i] = photo;

I need these guys to run in sequence, running today, that's when I put a banzé when I put console.log () to see what's going on. I need a way to make this work, after running the getPhotosFromAlbum method I'll get the first photo of the $ array and put the url of it in the album, except that, after running the getPhotosFromAlbum method the photos array is empty being that it was set in these methods.

I hope you did not get too confused, if anyone can help me thank you.

asked by anonymous 25.01.2017 / 13:48

1 answer


As you use a request for the server, your console.log calls will automatically merge. But this is not necessarily wrong, since Javascript has asynchronous nature. Your error is in using the $ variable in all interactions. If you change it to an array your code will work:

In function getPhotosFromAlbum :

$[album_id] =;

Add the parameter album_id to the function addPhotoUrl :

function addPhotoUrl(album_id) { ...

And change the following lines:

for (i = 0; i < $[album_id].length; i++) {
    photo = $[album_id][i];
    $[album_id][i] = photo;
26.01.2017 / 13:38