How to retrieve 'mysqli-insert_id' from within this function, in addition to the query return?

public function executar($sql){

    $con = new conexao();
    $re = $con->mysqli->query($sql);

    // Preciso retornar esta informação tambem:
    $last_id = $con->mysqli->insert_id;

    return $re;

function inserir($tabela,$dados){

    $arrCampo = array_keys($dados);
    $arrValores = array_values($dados);
    $numCampos = count($arrCampo);
    $numValores = count($arrValores);
    if($numCampos == $numValores){
        $SQL = "INSERT INTO " .$tabela." (";
        foreach($arrCampo as $campo){
            $SQL .= "$campo, ";
        $SQL = substr_replace($SQL, ")", -2, 1);
        $SQL .= "VALUES (";
        foreach($arrValores as $valores){
            $SQL .= "'".$valores."', ";
        $SQL = substr_replace($SQL, ")", -2, 1);
        echo "Erro ao verificar campos";


I'm using the following codes, and I need to return the ID of the last entry in the database.

$dados_cliente = array(


That is sent this way. However, after running the command $comando->inserir('clientes',$dados_cliente); I can not get the value of the last insertion of the bank.

asked by anonymous 01.02.2017 / 12:15

2 answers


Considering that you have the structure presented within a class:

public function executar($sql)

    $con = new conexao();

    $re = $con->mysqli->query($sql);

    // Preciso retornar esta informação tambem:
    $last_id = $con->mysqli->insert_id;


    return $re;


public function inserir($tabela,$dados)

    $arrCampo   = array_keys($dados);
    $arrValores = array_values($dados);
    $numCampos  = count($arrCampo);
    $numValores = count($arrValores);

    if($numCampos == $numValores) {

        $SQL = "INSERT INTO " .$tabela." (";
        foreach($arrCampo as $campo){
            $SQL .= "$campo, ";

        $SQL = substr_replace($SQL, ")", -2, 1);

        $SQL .= "VALUES (";
        foreach($arrValores as $valores){
            $SQL .= "'".$valores."', ";

        $SQL = substr_replace($SQL, ")", -2, 1);


        echo "Erro ao verificar campos";




I found that the inserir method also belongs to the same class, since there is the use of $this in your body.

You can set a property of the class named last_id and update its value within the executar method:

public function executar($sql)

    $con = new conexao();

    $re = $con->mysqli->query($sql);

    // A propriedade é atualizada aqui:
    $this->last_id = $con->mysqli->insert_id;


    return $re;


In this way, it will be accessible in every class. So in the inserir method you can return the value of this property.

public function inserir($tabela,$dados)

    $arrCampo   = array_keys($dados);
    $arrValores = array_values($dados);
    $numCampos  = count($arrCampo);
    $numValores = count($arrValores);

    if($numCampos == $numValores) {

        $SQL = "INSERT INTO " .$tabela." (";
        foreach($arrCampo as $campo){
            $SQL .= "$campo, ";

        $SQL = substr_replace($SQL, ")", -2, 1);

        $SQL .= "VALUES (";
        foreach($arrValores as $valores){
            $SQL .= "'".$valores."', ";

        $SQL = substr_replace($SQL, ")", -2, 1);


        echo "Erro ao verificar campos";



    return $this->last_id;


So when invoking the method. you will have access to the added registry id.

$dados_cliente = array(

$last_id = $comando->inserir('clientes',$dados_cliente);

echo "ID do registro adicionado " . $last_id;

According to official ownership documentation insert_id :


Caution! If the last query was not an INSERT or UPDATE or if the modified table does not have a column with the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, this function will return zero.

02.02.2017 / 01:31

Change the return of your method to return an array.

public function executar($sql){

    $con = new conexao();
    $re = $con->mysqli->query($sql);

    // Preciso retornar esta informação tambem:
    $last_id = $con->mysqli->insert_id;

    return array($re, $last_id);

Then you can either retrieve the data for a list, or treat the array any way you like.

list ($operationResult, $lastInsertedValue) = $comando->inserir('clientes',$dados_cliente);
02.02.2017 / 01:29