Failed to update project classes and resources using Intellij and tomcat


I'm using Intellij to develop a web project, the application server used is Tomcat. I set up shortcut keys to update the features and just reload the page so that the modifications to the project would be loaded. Everything was working, out of nowhere. Here is the print of the tomcat settings in my project:

I have already tested several options in the 'On update action' and 'On frame deactivation' fields, I am not succeeding with any attempt. As you can see the selected artifact is exploded as recommended on some websites and tutorials.

asked by anonymous 10.02.2017 / 12:45

1 answer


I was able to solve the problem as follows:

In the root folder of tomcat open the conf

Open context.xml;

Inside the file, in the scope of the 'context' tag add the line:      Resources cachingAllowed="false" /

Restart the tomcat server instance inside intellij;

Ready! All files are updated by using Ctrl + F10. Just load the page and the files will be updated.

10.02.2017 / 13:46