In this case:
-- código #1 v5
declare @DataInicial date, @DataFinal date;
set @DataInicial = cast(Current_timestamp as date);
set @DataFinal = @DataInicial;
-- verifica se é sexta-feira
set datefirst 7; -- domingo como primeiro dia da semana
IF datepart(weekday, @DataInicial) = 6
set @DataFinal = DateAdd(day, +2, @DataInicial);
declare @Ano1 int, @Ano2 int;
set @Ano1= year(@DataInicial);
set @Ano2= year(@DataFinal);
IF (@Ano1 = @Ano2)
SELECT NUMERO, Convert(char(5), DATA, 103) as [Dia/Mês]
from utilizadores
where DATA < @DataInicial
and Cast(DateAdd(year, (-year(DATA) + @Ano1), DATA) as date) between @DataInicial and @DataFinal
order by month(DATA), day(DATA)
IF (@Ano1 < @Ano2)
SELECT NUMERO, Convert(char(5), DATA, 103) as [Dia/Mês]
from utilizadores
where DATA < @DataInicial
and (Cast(DateAdd(year, (-year(DATA) + @Ano1), DATA) as date) >= @DataInicial
or Cast(DateAdd(year, (-year(DATA) + @Ano2), DATA) as date) <= @DataFinal)
order by month(DATA), day(DATA)
I chose to use variables of type date to set the issuing period, as this makes it easier to handle month and year turn. The user's date of birth is updated to the year of the issuing period and then verified if it is in the period.
Assuming that the issue period is 1/2/2017 to 10/2/2017, and if the user of number 8 was born on 9/19/1960, the date is transformed into "19/9 / 2017 "and then compared to the period limitation dates:
se "19/9/2017" está entre "1/2/2017" e "10/2/2017"
então "é aniversariante";