Python - Error in Mongo Engine, Error: Tried to save duplicate unique keys (Duplicate Key Error)


Python is trying to save more than one user in Json but it does not accept the introduction of more than one, it always gives the:


Tried to save duplicate unique keys (Duplicate Key Error)

Here is the code:

from .model import User, UserSchema
from flask import Blueprint, request
from flask import jsonify

schema = UserSchema()
api = Blueprint('users', __name__)

@api.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def create():
    # Pegar os dados da requisição
    user_json = request.get_json(silent=True)
    if not user_json:
        return "FAIL"

    # Criar uma entidade a partir do JSON
    user, errors = schema.load(user_json)
    if bool(errors):
        return jsonify(errors)
    return "SUCCESS"

@api.route('/', methods=['PATCH'])
def update():
    # Pegar os dados da requisição
    user_json = request.get_json()
    user = User.objects(name=user_json['name']).first()
    schema.update(user, user_json)
    return "SUCESS"

@api.route('/auth', methods=['POST'])
def auth():
    # cria a senha 
    user_json = request.get_json()
    if not user_json:
        return "FAIL"

    user = User.objects(name = user_json['name']).first()
    if not user:
        return "FAIL"
    if user.password == user_json['password']:
        return "SUCCESS"
        return "FAIL"

@api.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def list():
    # Retorna os usuários do JSON
    list_users = []
    for user in User.objects():
    return jsonify(list_users)
asked by anonymous 29.08.2017 / 21:27

1 answer


Solved, it was discovered that I had two variables:

name = StringField (unique = True) password = StringField (unique = True)

We switched to required and worked.

We thank the attention of those who tried to help: D

29.08.2017 / 22:09