I'm trying to understand the concept of VMWare VSphere. As far as I can see in the documentation and video lessons, for example I have a 5TB HD machine and 32 GB of RAM. On this machine I install the Vsphere operating system. On top of that operating system I create my virtual machines. Remembering that I have to distribute to my virtual machines the resources of my physical machine: 5TB HD and 32GB of RAM. Now comes my doubt: I have another physical machine with 8TB of HD and 16GB of RAM. I want to "add" this machine so that its resources (HD and RAM, for example) are added to the resources of the first physical machine, and so can also be used by virtual machines. That is, now I would have to distribute to my virtual machines 48GB RAM and 13TB of HD. Does this make sense, or is my concept of VMWare vsphare completely wrong? Do you really have to "add" two physical machines to a VMWare VSphare system?