I need an API that can provide real-time commodity prices (more specifically, Arabica coffee prices)
I know almost nothing about the stock market, but I did a little research and found that the "symbols" used for Arabica Coffee are something like NYCC, KC, KCXXX, where XXX would be the month and year of the contract.
I tried to use yahoo-finance to extract coffee prices but it did not work, follow the code below:
from yahoo_finance import Share
coffe = Share('KC') # I've tried KC, KCN17, NYCC, KFE.
The code below was found in the yahoo_finance documentation and works for YHOO, which shows the current Yahoo share price.
I also tried to use Quandl
but I could not do practically anything with it, its documentation is very weak (at least, if it is only what you have on the site, it really is weak).
What I need is an API that can provide me real-time pricing data for Arabica Coffee (or any commodity, if it works for one it should work for coffee as well).
In conclusion, I do not need to be told "this code here does what you need", just let me know the tool that the rest I'll find.