Error after hosting site


I have a problem and I do not know how to solve it. I and my college colleagues have created a site in PHP in clear localhost, when we host it it displays the following error:


Notice: Use of undefined constant DIR - assumed ' DIR ' in   /home/storage/2/3e/eb/noticiasdasgerais/public_html/yteste/loader.php   online 19


Notice: Use of undefined constant DIR - assumed ' DIR ' in   /home/storage/2/3e/eb/noticiasdasgerais/public_html/yteste/loader.php   online 19


Notice: Use of undefined constant DIR - assumed ' DIR ' in   /home/storage/2/3e/eb/noticiasdasgerais/public_html/yteste/loader.php   online 19


Notice: Use of undefined constant DIR - assumed ' DIR ' in   /home/storage/2/3e/eb/noticiasdasgerais/public_html/yteste/loader.php   online 19

Could someone give me a hand? We need to deliver this work this week.

Here is the code snippet of line 19

function __autoload($className) {

    $r = new RouterController;

    //procura primeiro na raiz da app
    $classpath = array('Lib', 'helpers', 'Model', 'Controller');
    $classFile = $className . ".php";
    $loaded = false;
    $mod_path = __DIR__ . "/$path" . "/$classFile";

    if (is_readable("$mod_path")) {
        require "$mod_path";
        $loaded = true;
        //return false;

    if (is_readable("$path$classFile")) {
        require "$path$classFile";
        $loaded = true;
        //return false;


$reserved = array('finfo');

if ($loaded == false && !in_array("$className", $reserved)) {
    $baseurl = $r->base();
asked by anonymous 22.05.2017 / 15:18

1 answer


This constant __DIR__ exists only from version 5.3.0 of PHP.

Maybe the error is because localhost has this version, or higher, installed, but the final hosting does not.


If you do not know how to upgrade the final hosting version, do as Otto suggested and use dirname(__FILE__) instead of __DIR__ .

22.05.2017 / 15:58