This line is unnecessary:
Stage janela = (Stage) areaTexto.getScene().getWindow();
is not being used anywhere within the listener of the event. Remembering that events can be mapped inside the .fxml file itself and referenced in the code with the annotation @FXML
Do not mix swing and JavaFX. Although there are no problems - for now - it is advisable to keep everything in your square. All components present in the swing can be made with JavaFX without the need to mix them. JOptionPane.showInputDialog()
can be replaced with a TextInputDialog
- even if it is a bit more verbose, see example code below.
You can also use the package classes java.nio.file.*
to manipulate files.
menuNovo.setOnAction((ActionEvent e) -> {
// Cria o dialog.
TextInputDialog dialog = new TextInputDialog(null);
dialog.setTitle("Digite no nome do arquivo");
dialog.setHeaderText("Digite o nome do arquivo.");;
// Exibe o dialog e espera pelo valor digitado.
Optional<String> value = dialog.showAndWait();
// Se algo for digitado no dialog, cria o arquivo com o nome especificado.
if (value.isPresent()) {
try {
Path file = Paths.get(value.get().concat(".txt"));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Tratar exceção no caso de falha na criação do arquivo.
If you need to write to the file, it has already been replied here .