I make a select in my database and it brings the values in the datagrid. But when I try to add / delete lines, it gives error:
You can not programmatically add rows to the DataGridView rows collection when the control is bound to data. "
Select Code:
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
string comando = "SELECT * FROM item_orcamento where id_orcamento = '"+ Convert.ToInt32(txtidos.Text) + "' and tipo_item='Produto' order by id_orcamento";
MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter(comando, stringCon);
MySqlCommandBuilder cmdb = new MySqlCommandBuilder(da);
da.Fill(ds, "item_orcamento");
dataGridProdutos.DataSource = ds.Tables["item_orcamento"];
Insert Button Code:
private void addDataServicos(string codServico, string nomeServico, string qtdServico, string valorServico, string valorTotalServico)
String[] row = { codServico, nomeServico, qtdServico, valorServico, valorTotalServico };
How do I enter new lines?
private void CriarRow(DataTable source)
string valor = txtprecoServico.Text;
valor = valor.Replace("R$", "");
int qtd = 0;
qtd = Convert.ToInt32(txtquantidades.Text);
double soma = Convert.ToDouble(valor);
double valorTotalServico = qtd * soma;
var row = source.NewRow();
row[0] = 0;
row[1] = txtcodServico.Text;
row[2] = 0;//2-tipo_item,
row[3] = txtnomeServico.Text;
row[4] = txtquantidades.Text;
row[5] = (valor);//5-valor_item,
row[6] = valorTotalServico.ToString();
row[7] = txtidos.Text;