Whereas ano_inicial
is stored as an integer:
select f.id_user as user, f.id_tempo, t.ano_inicial, t.ano_final
from fato as f inner join tempo as t
where f.id_tempo = t.id_tempo
and t.ano_inicial = (select MAX(t1.ano_inicial)
fato as f1 inner join tempo as t1
where f1.id_tempo = t1.id_tempo and f.id_user = f1.id_user);
Considering that there may be more than one occurrence of ano_inicial
(returning more than one record, as commented), you limit the return:
select temp_table.id_user as user, temp_table.id_tempo, temp_table.ano_inicial, temp_table.ano_final
select f.id_user as user, f.id_tempo, t.ano_inicial, t.ano_final
from fato as f inner join tempo as t
where f.id_tempo = t.id_tempo
and t.ano_inicial = (select MAX(t1.ano_inicial)
fato as f1 inner join tempo as t1
where f1.id_tempo = t1.id_tempo and f.id_user = f1.id_user);
) as temp_table
ORDER BY temp_table.id_tempo DESC