I'm trying to create a variable entry function in a list that only allows you to enter terms not already contained in the list.
I'm having difficulty finding a logical solution to this, I can not use break
to stop the loop. I'm not making indentation errors, I'm stuck in the loop. Any suggestions for a way to solve the problem?
lista = []
def preencheLista(lista,taml):
for i in range(taml):
duplicidade = True
while duplicidade:
c=float(input("Entre com o termo\n"))
for i in range(len(lista)):
if c == lista[i]:
duplicidade = True
duplicidade = False
if duplicidade:
print ("Valor ja existente, digite um novo valor")
print (lista)
#print ("Valor ja existente, digite um novo valor")
if __name__ == '__main__':
preencheLista(lista, 10)