I'm having a hard time reading the process PID. Displays the message below, but I can not understand beyond the buy.sh script what else is presented. I also saw that it has 2 .jar, are these processes in a row or are they continuous?
root 28140 28125 0 06:50? 00:00:54 java -Xms256M -Xmx1024M -classpath ../lib/63_CME_MessageFactoryPatch.jar:../lib/fix-application-server.jar:../resources -Dcom.cameronsystems.fix.management.JMXManagementService.startupScript = / home / CameronFIX / SocketAdapter / buy.sh com.cameronsystems.fix.universalserver.UniversalServer -id buy -xmlconfig Buy_dsv.xml -server buy1 -cluster buyCluster_dsv -nogui