I'm starting with Django and Python now and I have a question that might sound silly: Can I use python modules and functions - and others installed - usually in a Django application?
I'm starting with Django and Python now and I have a question that might sound silly: Can I use python modules and functions - and others installed - usually in a Django application?
Because Django is a python framework, the modules developed for Python are perfectly usable within Django.
An illustrative example would be:
from django.shortcuts import render #Importação de módulo Django
import math #Importação de um módulo Python
def calcula(request):
numero = 4
elevado = math.pow(numero,2) #Uso do módulo
raiz = math.sqrt(numero) # Uso do Módulo
context = {'elevado': elevado, 'raiz':raiz}
return render(request, 'index.html', context)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Cálculos usando o módulo MATH</title>
<h1>Exemplo simples do uso de Módulos do Python</h1>
<p>O numero 4 elevado a 2 é {{elevado}}</p>
<p>A raiz de 4 é {{raiz}}</p>
YouarefreetousethePythonmodules,butbecarefulnottolookforanypythonfunctionalitythatisalreadyimplementedindjangomoreefficiently.Foralookatthe Django modules .
Yes, of course! Even all the libs available on link can be installed and used in the project.