I have a small problem, and no matter how hard I tried to find a solution, I can not think of an excellent one. So I come to ask for your help!
So here's the thing: I'm currently developing a betting site (from CSGO game skins) and my problem is on NodeJS (Socket Server) because of queries it makes in the database. In some functions it is necessary to loop the for for all the IDs of an Array, and each one of them will perform a Query (Query in the Database) and add a value of each one in a global variable. But most of the time he does not even consult all and already executes the final code, I tried to use a 'setTimeout' but the idea is very bad because there is never certainty if there will be some slowness in querying the data with the database, or even even if the array is too large and you will have to perform many queries before you can display the final result. So often the final result is always missing some values. Here is an example of the code (a part):for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var ThisRes = result[i];
var VS1_Value = 0.00;
var VS2_Value = 0.00;
var VS1_ItemsA = ThisRes.vs1_items.split(',');
for(var i = 0; i < VS1_ItemsA.length; i++) { // REPETE AQUI BASTANTES VEZES CONFORME O TAMANHO DO ARRAY
pool.query("SELECT * FROM gf_user_items WHERE assetid='"+VS1_ItemsA[i]+"'", function(err2,res2) {
if(err2) {
console.log(TagGF_Error+"Error Getting Item Details from DB! (AssetID:"+VS1_ItemsA[i]+")");
if(res2.length > 0) {
var ThisVal = res2[0].price*1;
VS1_Value = VS1_Value*1 + ThisVal*1; // AQUI FAZ A SOMA
} else {
console.log(TagGF_Error+"Error Getting Item Details from DB! (Empty)(AssetID:"+VS1_ItemsA[i]+"|RES2_SIZE:"+res2.length+")");
if(ThisRes.vs2_eid !== null && ThisRes.vs2_items !== null) {
var VS2_ItemsA = ThisRes.vs2_items.split(',');
for(var i = 0; i < VS2_ItemsA.length; i++) {
pool.query("SELECT * FROM gf_user_items WHERE assetid='"+VS2_ItemsA[i]+"'", function(err3,res3) {
if(err3) {
console.log(TagGF_Error+"Error Getting Item Details from DB! (AssetID:"+VS2_ItemsA[i]+")");
if(res3.length > 0) {
var ThisVal = res3[0].price*1;
VS2_Value = VS2_Value*1 + ThisVal*1;
} else {
console.log(TagGF_Error+"Error Getting Item Details from DB! (Empty)(AssetID:"+VS2_ItemsA[i]+"|RES2_SIZE:"+res3.length+")");
var TotalValue = VS1_Value*1 + VS2_Value*2;
var GF_ThisGameData = {};
GF_ThisGameData["game_id"] = ThisRes.id;
GF_ThisGameData["f_side"] = ThisRes.f_team;
GF_ThisGameData["vs1_eid"] = ThisRes.vs1_eid;
GF_ThisGameData["vs1_items"] = ThisRes.vs1_items;
GF_ThisGameData["vs1_value"] = VS1_Value.toFixed(2);
GF_ThisGameData["vs2_eid"] = ThisRes.vs2_eid;
GF_ThisGameData["vs2_items"] = ThisRes.vs2_items;
GF_ThisGameData["vs2_value"] = VS2_Value.toFixed(2);
GF_ThisGameData["total_value"] = TotalValue.toFixed(2);
GF_ThisGameData["create_time"] = ThisRes.create_time;
GF_ThisGameData["update_time"] = ThisRes.update_time;
GF_ThisGameData["winner"] = ThisRes.winner;
}, 1500);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log(TagGF+"CoinFlip Games: "+JSON.stringify(GF_NW_CoinFlipGames));
}, 3000);