Good practice with selectors in css


What is the best practice for working with selectors in css?


.menu li { }
.item {} 
.menu .item { }
.menu-item { } //aqui usamos para atribuir propriedades para as <li> por exemplo

What would be the best practice for this?

asked by anonymous 19.03.2014 / 18:23

2 answers


Best practice, would be to require less code so that everything works correctly, which would not require many classes, but only one parent class accessing the children in this way:

.menu li {

So you do not need to assign a class to your <li> , you can use a longer (more detailed) path if you want, for example:

.menu > ul > li {

Ps: > is just to indicate a path that is being traveled, not really necessary, just for understanding.

In your case, removing the menu-item class from the <li> and using it in% .menu li reduces unnecessary html code, becoming a best practice.

19.03.2014 / 18:29

The first option seems to me the best practice, for the following reason:

  • .menu li

    Here you have a specific element (or element type) in which you want to assign a style to all its sub elements of type li . To do this, simply give the class menu to your element and automatically all your li s get the desired style.

  • .menu .item

    This forces you to add the item class to each of your li s in addition to add the menu class. If you forget to give this class some item in the list, this item will have a different style. Unless this is by design (for example, if you want to highlight some element), it's redistant information.

  • .menu-item

    Similar to the above, it only relieves you from having to create the menu class. But the problem of multiple% s with each class remaining.

  • P.S. While writing this, @Paulo Roberto added an answer that summarizes this perfectly:


    Best practice, would be to need less code to make everything work correctly

    19.03.2014 / 18:31