Picking category from a table in Mysql


Personal I have a product registration table and in it I have categories:

$consulta = mysql_query('select categoria from produtos order by categoria');
 while ($var=mysql_fetch_array($consulta))
        echo "<a href='editar.php?categoria=$var[categoria]'>$var[categoria]</a><br><br>";

The problem is that it brings me like this:

-Higiene e Limpeza
-Higiene e Limpeza
-Padaria e Confeitaria

How to leave only one title of the Category and not duplicate as it is getting. Thank you!

asked by anonymous 28.02.2018 / 13:57

1 answer


Only grouped by field categoria

Search SQL

$consulta = mysql_query('select categoria from produtos group by categoria order by categoria');
28.02.2018 / 14:07