Is there any property of viewing a .PDF file from the Click event in PictureBox without having to create a new modal?
I have this PictureBox , where I created the code below, that as soon as it is clicked the option to print the file, however would like to leave more dynamic, viewing the .PDF and the user chooses if or not print.
// {
Operacoes operacoes = new Operacoes();
string danfe = operacoes.ConsultarDanfePdf(objNotasFiscais.NFEmpresa, objNotasFiscais.NFNumero, objNotasFiscais.NFSerie, objNotasFiscais.NFCliente.ToString(), objNotasFiscais.NFTipo, true);
string Filepath = danfe;
new PrintPDF(danfe);
MessageBox.Show("PDF da Danfe não encontrado.", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;