How to configure a common java project, host and run on a server [closed]


Oops, good evening, guys, with some questions about java systems running without a server.

I and some friends are developing a java integration project (we receive information from a server / service, we treat it in our system and then we pass it on to another service (like email or trello)), our program works perfectly in our but we do not know how to configure this project to run on a server.

The program would have to be listening at all times to the arrival of information from one of the services, how would it be done? put an infinite while and treat when something arrives or is there a function for it? and if another information arrives in the middle of the time the system is processing something, how to avoid q being lost, since the program would not be listening, but taking care of processing the data that came before?

In addition, the project was done in normal java (without jsf, war or tomcat installed), how would I convert to a project type that would be accepted by a hosting service (do you have any specific or recommended?)

Any tip or recommendation of hosting service? I got 2 months free on Uol Host Cloud Openstack service, can I use it for what I am wanting or is it necessary to have a java site hosting?

Thank you and sorry for the many questions: /

asked by anonymous 05.12.2017 / 03:23

1 answer


Hello, good evening. You did not specify what type information as input expected in java, but regardless, you must use a concept called Threads Each thread is a parallel execution in java, that is, you can have multiple processes at the same time. In short, you could do with a while true and when receiving a request (expected arrival of the information), the system opens a thread for that request and so the system continues to wait another request while processing the last. Hope it helped :)

05.12.2017 / 04:10