Compile app for ios done in react in windows environment


I'm studying react native and need to compile an app for android and ios. I would like to know if I can develop everything in the windows environment and then just copy the files to a virtual machine running OS X to compile and publish the app

asked by anonymous 07.12.2017 / 20:37

1 answer


You can do this without any problems, but I suggest you test everything on an iphone or mac simulator before, as there are always some little things that do not work or work a little bit differently on ios.

I do not know if you use iphone or android but something I see a lot and a person develop and test only on android and end up forgetting some usability details / interface a bit more characteristic of ios.

For example, I've seen people making functionalities that ended up becoming dependent on the back button of the android, for example to close a modal, which leaves a user of ios "stuck" in the modal.     

18.12.2017 / 14:23