Upload via FTP a whole folder using DOS


I need to load a folder (~ 300mb) that contains files from a framework (magento) to the cloud server where my application is. The server GUI only allows you to upload files individually and folder creation has to be manual one by one. To get around this huge rework, I enabled FTP on the server, downloaded a renowned free FTP management software, connected to the server and started uploading the files there. It turned out right in parts, it turns out that the speed to load is so low that in 3 hours of upload 4MB were transferred, until the connection was interrupted by time-out .

As another alternative, I'm trying to ftp from MSDOS, but I admit to being ignorant of DOS and I did not find the right command, only commands that copy files one by one manually. You'd have to find a command to copy a folder and all its contents, does anyone know what it is? Or some other way for me to send these files?

Thank you in advance!

asked by anonymous 08.01.2018 / 19:26

1 answer


By using the ftp native Windows command you can only send files, if the folder you want to send contains subfolders, those folders will not be sent.

To copy multiple files from a single directory, use the following command:

mput *

If you want to send a folder that contains subfolders I recommend using NcFTP , you can download the installer for Windows in this link .

The commands are very similar to Windows FTP, to connect use the following command:

ncftp -u seuUsuario -p suaSenha ftp.seusite.com.br

To transfer files and folders, use the command:

mput -r suaPasta
08.01.2018 / 21:24