Asp .Net Dropdownlist Empty After Form Submit


I have a dropdownlist that is populated dynamically after two textboxes have been filled. When I submit the form the dropdownlist is empty even though it is filled dynamically.


    <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownListReason" runat="server" CssClass="span8">
        <asp:ListItem Text="Selecione o motivo da solicitação" Value=""></asp:ListItem>


     protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
         //busca lista de dados
         foreach (var item in listaDeDados)
             Page.ClientScript.RegisterForEventValidation(this.DropDownListReason.UniqueID, item.Id.ToString());



//faz o get dos dados
   $.each(response, function (key, value) {
      if (value.requiresDescription) {

      $("#<%= DropDownListReason.ClientID %>").append($("<option />").val(;

Form submit is an event on the click of a button.

How do I dynamically fill in the data, do they persist in submitting the form?

asked by anonymous 10.01.2018 / 14:32

1 answer


What happens is that your new item is not in viewstate of the control, so when .net "traces" your page it loses its value.

A good option would be to store this value for example in a hidden field and insert it into the dropdown in Page_Init , since viewstate will only be loaded in Page_Load .

10.01.2018 / 17:16