List chained in C - Reversing the nodes recursively


I'm following Paulo Feofiloff's Algorithm Projects notes, and I'm with difficulties in resolving a question from the Chained Lists chapter, transcribed below:


Exercises 5

  • Write a function that reverses the order of cells in a linked list (the first one becomes the last, the second becomes the   penultimate, etc.). Do this without using auxiliary space, just by changing   pointers. Give two solutions: one iterative and one recursive.

    I was able to come up with an iterative solution, but I could not even draw a recursive solution.

    So I ask you to direct me to recursive solution to this problem. Thanks!

    Follow the iterative solution code (please indicate improvements).

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    typedef struct Node {
        int data;
        struct Node *next;
    } NODE;
    Esta função recebe uma lista encadeada de inteiros e inverte a posição das
    células desta lista usando apenas ponteiros. Ex.: o primeiro nó troca de lugar 
    com o último, o segundo nó troca de lugar com o antepenúltimo, etc. 
    // versão iterativa
    void swap_nodeI (NODE **head) {
        // if list is empty or there is only one node, nothing to do
        if (*head == NULL) return;
        // declare variables for first half of the list
        NODE *prevX = NULL, *currX = *head;
        int countX = 1;
        // declare variables for second half of the list
        NODE *prevY = NULL, *currY = *head; 
        int countY = 1;
        // count nodes (countY)
        for (; currY->next != NULL; currY = currY->next, ++countY);
        // swap nodes
        NODE *temp;
        int i, j;
        while (countX < countY) {
            // setup pointers
            for (currY = *head, i = 1; i != countY; ++i) {
                prevY = currY;
                currY = currY->next;
            for (currX = *head, j = 1; j != countX; ++j) {
                prevX = currX;
                currX = currX->next;
            // swap X and Y
            if (prevX != NULL) prevX->next = currY;
            else *head = currY;
            if (prevY != NULL) prevY->next = currX;
            else *head = currX;
            temp = currY->next;
            currY->next = currX->next;
            currX->next = temp;
            // update counters
    asked by anonymous 09.01.2018 / 01:11

    1 answer


    After realizing that the strategy of inverting the list meets the statement, everything cleared up. I was determined to treat the equidistant pairs in the list, making the solution difficult. Even the iterative solution would be much simpler:

    void reverse(NODE **head) {
        NODE *prev = NULL;
        NODE *curr = *head;
        NODE *next;
        while (curr != NULL) {
            next = curr->next;
            curr->next = prev;
            prev = curr;
            curr = next;
        *head = prev;

    Follow recursive solution:

    void reverseR(NODE **head) {
        /* Tratar lista vazia */
        if (*head == NULL) return;
        /* Atribuir um ponteiro para o nó atual
           e outro ponteiro para o restante da lista */
        NODE *curr;
        NODE *rest;
        curr = *head;
        rest = curr->next;
        /* Retornar ao chegar no final da lista */
        if (rest == NULL) return;
        /* Chamar a recursão até atingir o final da lista */
        /* Inverter os nós e acertar a cabeça da lista */
        curr->next->next = curr;
        curr->next = NULL;
        *head = rest;
    09.01.2018 / 02:19