Pass values (radio) from one HTML to another


This is my first time here, I hope to be doing everything right.

My question is the following, I have a page with a questionnaire of 4 questions, 3 of which the answer is given via 'radio' and the other via 'select' .

In another page html I have to pass the answers given on the previous page to this one, displaying on the screen the choices made.

I would like to know how to accomplish this task without the use of PHP.

asked by anonymous 12.03.2018 / 23:18

2 answers


You can do the following by picking up the answers to the questions and sending them to the other page as a parameter after ? :


Where abcd would be the alternatives chosen.

On the other page you capture this parameter and loop for by concatenating the results and then throwing it into a div .

First page code with questions:

Pergunta 1:
<br />
a) <input type="radio" name="perg1" value="a">
<br />
b) <input type="radio" name="perg1" value="b">
<br />
c) <input type="radio" name="perg1" value="c">

<br /><br />

Pergunta 2:
<br />
a) <input type="radio" name="perg2" value="a">
<br />
b) <input type="radio" name="perg2" value="b">
<br />
c) <input type="radio" name="perg2" value="c">

<br /><br />

Pergunta 3:
<br />
a) <input type="radio" name="perg3" value="a">
<br />
b) <input type="radio" name="perg3" value="b">
<br />
c) <input type="radio" name="perg3" value="c">

<br /><br />

Pergunta 4:
<br />
<select name="perg4">
   <option value="">Selecione...</option>
   <option value="a">a</option>
   <option value="b">b</option>
   <option value="c">c</option>

<br /><br />

<button onclick="enviar()">Enviar</button>
function enviar(){

   var perg1_val = document.querySelector("input[name='perg1']:checked"),
       perg2_val = document.querySelector("input[name='perg2']:checked"),
       perg3_val = document.querySelector("input[name='perg3']:checked"),
       perg4_val = document.querySelector("select[name='perg4']").value;

   if(perg1_val && perg2_val && perg3_val && perg4_val != ''){

      location.href = "outra_pagina.html?"
      + perg1_val.value
      + perg2_val.value
      + perg3_val.value
      + perg4_val;

      alert("Responda todas as perguntas");


Code of another page :

<div id="respostas">

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){

   var url_ = location.href,
      param = url_.substring(url_.lastIndexOf("?")+1, url_.length),
      resps = '';

   for(var x=0; x<param.length; x++){
      resps += "Pergunta "+(x+1)+": resposta <b>"+param[x]+"</b><br />";

   document.querySelector("#respostas").innerHTML = resps;

13.03.2018 / 00:11

Some alternatives are available:

  • Convert your form to a GET request, resulting in a long, ugly URL
  • Use cookies
  • Use HTML5 local storage
  • With local storage

    Pergunta 1:
    <br />
    a) <input type="radio" name="perg1" value="a">
    <br />
    b) <input type="radio" name="perg1" value="b">
    <br />
    c) <input type="radio" name="perg1" value="c">
    <br /><br />
    Pergunta 2:
    <br />
    a) <input type="radio" name="perg2" value="a">
    <br />
    b) <input type="radio" name="perg2" value="b">
    <br />
    c) <input type="radio" name="perg2" value="c">
    <br /><br />
    Pergunta 3:
    <br />
    a) <input type="radio" name="perg3" value="a">
    <br />
    b) <input type="radio" name="perg3" value="b">
    <br />
    c) <input type="radio" name="perg3" value="c">
    <br /><br />
    Pergunta 4:
    <br />
    <select name="perg4">
       <option value="">Selecione...</option>
       <option value="a">a</option>
       <option value="b">b</option>
       <option value="c">c</option>
    <br /><br />
    <button onclick="enviar()">Enviar</button>
    function enviar(){
       var perg1_val = document.querySelector("input[name='perg1']:checked"),
           perg2_val = document.querySelector("input[name='perg2']:checked"),
           perg3_val = document.querySelector("input[name='perg3']:checked"),
           perg4_val = document.querySelector("select[name='perg4']").value;
       if(perg1_val && perg2_val && perg3_val && perg4_val != ''){
          var respostas = perg1_val.value+","+perg2_val.value+","+perg3_val.value+","+perg4_val;
          localStorage.setItem("respostas", respostas);
          location.href = "outra_pagina.html";
          alert("Responda todas as perguntas");


    <script language="javascript">
    var respostas = localStorage.getItem("respostas");
    document.write (respostas);
    13.03.2018 / 01:50