Create List of actions already passing the parameters and then execute them according to parameters passed


I wanted to know if there is a possibility to create a list of Actions already passing their parameters to execute, because the numbers that I will pass to the execution of them can be variable, so I would like to save these aActions already with their parameters for later only run them all at once.

Here's an example:

    public class Program
    private static List<Task> ListActions = new List<Task>();

    static void Main(string[] args)

    private static void ExecuteMethod()
        int loop = 10;

        while (loop > 0)
            int valor1 = new Random().Next();
            int valor2 = new Random().Next();
            int valor3 = new Random().Next();

            ListActions.Add(new Task(() => MinhaAction(valor1, valor2, valor3)));


    private async static Task<int> MinhaAction(int valor1, int valor2, int valor3)
        Console.WriteLine("Numero 1: " + valor1);
        Console.WriteLine("Numero 2: " + valor2);
        Console.WriteLine("Numero 3: " + valor3);

        return valor1 + valor2 + valor3;

    private async static void ExecuteListDeActions()
        foreach(var a in ListActions)
asked by anonymous 22.02.2018 / 15:14

1 answer


I think in your case it is better to use Task, since you have an interest in running all at once.


public class Program
    private List<Task> ListActions = new List<Task>();

    public void Main(string[] args)
        var rand = new Random();
        int valor1 = rand.Next();
        int valor2 = rand.Next();
        int valor3 = rand.Next();
        Task t = Task.Run(() => MinhaAction(valor1, valor2, valor3));

    private int MinhaAction(int valor1, int valor2, int valor3)
        return valor1 + valor2 + valor3;

    private void ExecuteListDeActions()
        foreach (Task t in ListActions)
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} Status: {1}", t.Id, t.Status);

        Console.WriteLine("T: {0}", ListActions.Count);
22.02.2018 / 15:20