Can ExpressJS be used in production?


I recently saw a course where ExpressJS was used for backend testing in JSON for an application and I was amazed, but I came up with several questions: Could it be used in production? Can an alternative be the most used technologies currently in db and backend? Is the performance good? How exactly does it work?

asked by anonymous 07.02.2018 / 18:13

1 answer


Why not? Express is a great tool for this, although there are more advanced options, such as Sails (which is based on Express).

If you're starting out, use Express; there will not be anything wrong. The only thing though is the fact that there is no specific model to create the applications, that is, you can create the way you want (object orientation, via functions, [...]), that will work. This may in some cases end up disrupting your code.

If you are looking for an MVC framework, I suggest you use Sails.



01.03.2018 / 22:47