Record re-registration in the database


In a database table with the fields ProductID, Description, UnitPrice, and some others. I have a screen that allows only the updating of the Unit Price field, at the time of rewriting the record in the database as it should be the routine to re-record. I did the following routine, but the Description field and others in the table were rewritten without content.

ProdutoRepositorio app = new ProdutoRepositorio();

Produto produto = new Produto();

produto.ProdutoId = codigo;

produto.PrecoUnitatio = decimal.Parse(txtPrecoUnitario.Text);

asked by anonymous 17.02.2018 / 23:20

2 answers


As you have the product ID, just look for this product within the update method itself, until there already exists a method for this that is find:

ProdutoRepositorio app = new ProdutoRepositorio();

//aqui você usa sua logica para buscar o produto
Produto produto = app.produto.find(codigo);

if(produto == null){ } //entra se o produto não existir

produto.PrecoUnitatio = decimal.Parse(txtPrecoUnitario.Text);

18.02.2018 / 22:39

In case you would have to pull the database and not give a new one in it since you are updating the face. You give a get in the item and change what you want to change with the input of the screen and the rest is what was already in the object returned from the bank.

more or less like this.

var product = app.find (productID) product.preco = valueComingDaTel; app.uptadeProduct (product);

18.02.2018 / 01:53