How to identify the repositories in my github? [duplicate]


I'm doing a basic github course and it just happened to me that the push has to be made to "origin master".  But when I do the command in the terminal (command line) I get the following message:


MacBook-Pro-de-Julio: Git course juliobarreto $ git [email protected]: juliocezarjr / course-git.git github1 Cloning into   'github1' ... ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed   out fatal: Could not read from remote repository.


Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository   exists.

Note: I do not know if it has any relation, but for the course, I was supposed to clone the repository using an SSH Key, but it did not work. I was only able to clone the repository through the URL.

asked by anonymous 22.02.2018 / 03:25

1 answer


Run the command:

git remote -v

The relationship is the URL's where you can push. There must be at least one and by default it is named Origin. See if the URL matches what you're pushing.

You should also have access to the remote repo if you are trying to push a repo from your Github account, the local remote should point to the repo URL in Github, the same one you used to clone.

22.02.2018 / 16:28