MatLab's non-return function


I need to make a function in matlab where it will not have any variables as return, only parameters, is it possible?

asked by anonymous 07.03.2018 / 01:51

1 answer


Adding to the previously placed link , a function can be completely empty or have only input parameters, just do not have anything as output. Examples:

%%Em um arquivo chamado v.m
function v(a,b)
% a funcão V cria uma figura e plota or argumentos "a" e "b"
hold on


%%Em um arquivo chamado v.m
function v(a,b)
% esta funcão está vazia!

Example of a function with output:

%%Em um arquivo chamado v.m    
function x=v(a,b)
%retorna a soma da soma dos vetores

To call the function, use v(a,b) , in all cases. Remembering that it is good not to use existing names; Your directory will have priority in that directory (or everywhere, if it's in path ), but it can cause confusion.

07.03.2018 / 12:00