Start Project Vue from existing template


Is it possible to start a Vue project from an existing template? I want to create a template with all the necessary dependencies and initial settings (as well as pages and etc), so that always, when making a new project, I can start from this template.

Ex: vue init MyTemplate NomeDoProjeto

asked by anonymous 24.04.2018 / 19:50

1 answer


I do not know if I understand correctly, or if my answer is kind of stupid, but I think you're looking for the vue-cli >. If it is not what you are looking for, please let me know what the answer is.

According to the documentation, to install it you need to execute the following commands:

npm install -g @vue/cli
# or
yarn global add @vue/cli

vue create my-project

There are several vue-cli boilerplates, such as Vuetify has several like this vue init vuetifyjs/webpack .

You can even create your own if you want with the command vue init username/repo my-project , where the username is your "username" in Github, and the "repo" is the name of the repository you created.     

24.04.2018 / 20:16