How does the final flow of git-flow (release) work?


Briefly (consider using git-flow): I created a repository, generated my feature, created a release, finished the release, consulted the branch develop log, and had output:

commit a6676da74f99342dd85e50e1251fd662d0be2680
Merge: 2c4958f 82190a0
Author: Your Name <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Apr 11 19:13:37 2018 +0000

    Merge tag 'v1.0.0' into develop


commit 82190a041c9b3909a94fc74f47675fe0cae0d5de
Merge: f09850e 2c4958f
Author: Your Name <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Apr 11 19:13:28 2018 +0000

    Merge branch 'release/v1.0.0'

So I understand the commit 82190a041c9b3909a94fc74f47675fe0cae0d5de is the merge of the branch release, since a6676da74f99342dd85e50e1251fd662d0be2680 would be a merge of the commit referenced by the tag v1.0.0, is this understanding correct?

asked by anonymous 11.04.2018 / 21:18

1 answer


After performing some tests, I was able to define what that is.

When a git flow release finish <identificador da release> is executed, some of the triggered actions are:

  • Execute a merge --no-ff release/<identificador da release> in the master and generate a tag with the <identificador da release>
  • Following a merge --no-ff release/<identificador da release> and merge --no-ff <hash do commit referenciado pela tag> is applied to develop ...

On inspecting the commit below (latest commit of branch develop after release finish) I was able to find 2 hash (dffb709 and 9d6b578), one for the commit referenced by the tag in the master branch and the other for the most recent commit in develop.

$ git show a6676da74f99342dd85e50e1251fd662d0be2680 commit 214157701f6cbe4f66d1802f9a93089d74aa45c6 (HEAD -> develop) Merge: dffb709 9d6b578 Author: Your Name <[email protected]> Date:   Wed Apr 11 18:36:39 2018 -0300

    Merge tag 'v1.0.0' into develop

    v1.0.0 primeira versão estavel
11.04.2018 / 23:50