How to invert a column in Python?


I would like to know how to flip the "Name, Last, Age" to "Age, First, Last"


importpandasaspd#Importaabiblioteca"Python Data Analysis"

df = pd.read_excel('Pasta1.xlsx') #Lê o arquivo xlsx

df = df.drop('MiddleInitial', axis = 1) #Remove a coluna "MiddleInitial"
df = df.drop('Gender', axis = 1) #Remove a coluna "Gender"
df.rename(columns = {"Age": "Idade", "GivenName": "Nome", "Surname": "Sobrenome"}, inplace = True) #Altera o nome das colunas
df.head() #lê a linha a cima

dfOrdenado = df.sort_values(by = 'Nome', ascending = True) #Ordena a lista
print(dfOrdenado) #Imprime a Lista
asked by anonymous 17.04.2018 / 23:58

2 answers


You can change the order of the columns by passing the list with the columns to the dataframe. In the same way that you can change the order, you can also select fewer columns if needed.

dfOrdenado[['Idade', 'Nome', 'Sobrenome']]
18.04.2018 / 01:51

Enter the following code:


It will sort by column name

18.04.2018 / 02:16