Need help because I need to have the products I have in my database on the products page.
You should do so
$db=mysqli_connect(bla, bla, bla, bla); //Campos da ligação
$query=mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tabela"); //Caso use mysqli
while($mostra=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){ //Caso use mysqli
<img src="src da pasta da imagem/<?=$mostra['imagem']; ?>" />
<span><?=$mostra['nome']; ?></span>
With this you have the essentials and you will have to do css as you wish.
I suggested that you start by trying to make an HTML and CSS that looks like the final image, before you even do PHP (I assume it is), when you're happy with the aspect, you start working PHP to get the products and make the list dynamic. Small steps.
By doing HTML you are first defining your document structure, making it simpler then PHP to make certain parts of the document dynamic with data coming from the database.
I even suggested that you try this, and you were putting here problems that you are encountering, if you have not tried something yet, probably the help we give you will still confuse you more or it will not be the best exercise to learn what to do next instead.
Something I did when I was learning was to copy the HTML and CSS from other sites and realize why it was done the way it was.