I'm using the exchangerate API ( link ) to get the day's currency quotes.
Using the code below I get a JsonObject containing the "rates":
private JsonObject getExchangesRate() throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException, IOException {
// Setting URL
String url_str = "https://v3.exchangerate-api.com/bulk/f75b7f1b080c9060121e6754/BRL";
// Making Request
URL url = new URL(url_str);
HttpURLConnection request = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// Convert to JSON
JsonParser jp = new JsonParser();
JsonElement root = jp.parse(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) request.getContent()));
JsonObject jsonobj = root.getAsJsonObject();
// Accessing object
return jsonobj;
Theoretically, it is for him to come in this format:
"result": "success",
"from": "USD",
"rates": {
"AUD": ((AUD in terms of USD)),
"BGN": 1.8096,
"BRL": 3.1143,
"...": 1.3113,
"...": 7.473, etc. etc.
I'm trying to get the values inside the "rates" key and store the USD, EUR and GBP values.
But I can not. I have read about how JSON works in Java but I still can not do what I want.
JsonObject resultadoJSON = getExchangesRate();
JsonElement rates = resultadoJSON.get("rates");
double ValorUSD = (double) rates.get("USD"); //Sei que não é assim, mas é o que to tentando fazer
double ValorEUR = (double) rates.get("EUR"); //Sei que não é assim, mas é o que to tentando fazer