I am coding a chess set only in pure C. The game itself is done, I've been trying to develop the minimax algorithm for some time. Currently the algorithm is almost ready, but it is not yet returning and I think the problem lies in the minimax function.
Current code below, I tried to run it, but when the AI tries to play, simply the game ends, it appears to be a loop again, but I did not identify it.
// liberando o lixo acumulado
void LiberarMemoria(Lista_ia* root){
Jogadas* next = root->head;
while(next != NULL){
Jogadas* tmp = next;
next = next->prox;
// Simulate 5 turn ahead for choose the best current move
Jogadas *minimax(int tabuleiro[TAM][TAM], int depth, int Player, Jogadas* novaJogada){
// Copy the board for don't change it
int i, j, copia[TAM][TAM];
for(i=0; i<=9; i++){
for(j=0; j<=9; j++){
copia[i][j] = tabuleiro[i][j];
copia[novaJogada->lin_dps][novaJogada->col_dps] = copia[novaJogada->lin_atual][novaJogada->col_atual];
copia[novaJogada->lin_atual][novaJogada->col_atual] = 0;
if(gameover(tabuleiro) == 1){
// Se o Player 2 (Computer) jogou e ganhou, agr seria a vez do player 1
if (Player == 1){
novaJogada->pontuacao = -99999;
return novaJogada;
novaJogada->pontuacao = 99999;
return novaJogada;
if(depth == 0){
return novaJogada;
Lista_ia *Moves = inicializarLista();
verificar_jogadas_possiveis(copia, Moves, Player);
Jogadas *tmp;
// Simulating the current Player 2 (Computer) move
if(Player == 2){
novaJogada->pontuacao = -9999;
for(tmp = Moves->head; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->prox){
Jogadas *BestMove = minimax(copia, depth - 1, 1, tmp);
if(BestMove->pontuacao > novaJogada->pontuacao){
novaJogada->pontuacao = BestMove->pontuacao;
return novaJogada;
// Simulating the best Player 1 move
novaJogada->pontuacao = 9999;
for(tmp = Moves->head; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->prox){
Jogadas *BestMove = minimax(copia, depth - 1, 2, tmp);
if(BestMove->pontuacao < novaJogada->pontuacao){
novaJogada->pontuacao = BestMove->pontuacao;
return novaJogada;
Jogadas *IniciarMinMax(int tabuleiro[TAM][TAM], int depth, int Player){
Lista_ia *Moves = inicializarLista();
// Copy the board for don't change it
int i, j, copia[TAM][TAM];
for(i=0; i<=9; i++){
for(j=0; j<=9; j++){
copia[i][j] = tabuleiro[i][j];
verificar_jogadas_possiveis(copia, Moves, Player);
Jogadas* bestMove = NULL;
Jogadas* tmp;
for(tmp = Moves->head; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->prox){
// iniciando busca
Jogadas *current = minimax(copia, depth, Player, tmp);
if(bestMove == NULL || current->pontuacao > bestMove->pontuacao){
bestMove = current;
// clonando resultado para retornar antes de liberar a memoria
Jogadas *result = (Jogadas*)malloc(sizeof(Jogadas));
result->lin_atual = bestMove->lin_atual;
result->col_atual = bestMove->col_atual;
result->lin_dps = bestMove->lin_dps;
result->col_dps = bestMove->col_dps;
result->pontuacao = bestMove->pontuacao;
return result;
Additional information asked to help me with the issue.
typedef struct jogadas{
int lin_atual;
int col_atual;
int lin_dps;
int col_dps;
int pontuacao;
struct jogadas *prox;
typedef struct turno{
int turn;
struct turno *prox;
typedef struct lista_ia{
struct jogadas *head;
void verificar_jogadas_possiveis(int tabuleiro[TAM][TAM], Lista_ia *Allmoves, int Player){
int i, j, m, n;
Jogadas *tmp;
for(i=1; i<9; i++){
for(j=1; j<9; j++){
if(checar_peca_inimiga(tabuleiro[i][j]) == Player){
for(m=1; m<9; m++){
for(n=1; n<9; n++){
tmp = (Jogadas*)malloc(sizeof(Jogadas));
tmp->lin_atual = i;
tmp->col_atual = j;
tmp->lin_dps = m;
tmp->col_dps = n;
if(validar_jogada(tabuleiro, tmp) == 1){
//tmp->pontuacao += pontuar_jogadas(tabuleiro, m, n);
tmp->pontuacao = 0;
tmp->prox = Allmoves->head;
Allmoves->head = tmp;
// Free memory space
NOTE: The for is correct, I had forgotten but the board is a 10x10 matrix where the borders serve only to guide the player from where to play, such as a naval battle ... A, B, C, D .. and 1, 2, 3, 4 ... etc.