Hello, I have a server hosted on an EC2 instance, Ubuntu Server on Amazon AWS. No one is performing requests to this server, however, logs displayed in CloudWatch indicate multiple GET operations followed by POST, below are operations that are repeated indefinitely:
[6/9/18 4:22:14 AM] Information: Request starting HTTP / 1.1 GET http: // MY EC2 PRIVATE IP -
[6/9/18 4:22:14 AM] Information: Executing action method Api.Controllers.InitialController.HelloWorld (Api) with arguments ((null)) - ModelState is Valid -
[6/9/18 4:22:14 AM] Information: Executing ObjectResult, writing value Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ControllerContext. -
[6/9/18 4:22:14 AM] Information: Executed action Api.Controllers.InicialController.HelloWorld (Api) in 0.1211ms -
[6/9/18 4:22:14 AM] Information: Request finished in 0.2695ms 200 application / json; charset = utf-8 -
[6/9/18 4:22:33 AM] Information: Request starting HTTP / 1.1 POST link SOMETHING / client / a> application / json 116 -
[6/9/18 4:22:33 AM] Information: Request finished in 0.3534ms 404 -
Repeat ...
These operations are repeated indefinitely, all the same as above, I want to understand what is happening, if it is a mistake in my server's programming, in addition, understand why it is performing a POST after a GET. How do I fix this?
Thank you