I have a page with some inputs, I'm using React so I have some components to help when I create the form
Form Code:
<div className="content novo">
<Alerta ref={(ref)=>this.alerta = ref} />
<Form id='testeForm' action={this.props.editando == false ? _P_URL_ + 'cliente/gravar_cadastro' : _P_URL_ + 'cliente/editar_cadastro'} erro={erro => this.erro(erro)} ok={ok => this.props.onSubmit()}>
<h3 className="nova_titulo">Novo</h3>
<Input value={this.state.nome} label="*Nome" nome="nome" md="3" />
<InputCpf value={this.state.cpf} label="*CPF" id="cpf" nome="cpf" md="3" />
<InputData value={this.state.data} label="Data de nascimento" nome="nascimento" md="3" />
<Input value={this.state.rg} label="RG" nome="rg" md="3" />
<InputPhone value={this.state.telefone} label="*Telefone" nome="telefone" md="6"/>
<Input value={this.state.email} label="E-mail" nome="email" md="6" />
<h4 className="titulo">Endereço</h4>
<Endereco editando={this.props.editando} preencherModal={this.props.preencherModal}/>
{this.props.editando == true &&
<ButtonSubmitForm><i className="fa fa-check"/> Salvar</ButtonSubmitForm>
{this.props.editando == false &&
<ButtonSubmitForm><i className="fa fa-check"/> Gravar</ButtonSubmitForm>
The components <Input/>
and <InputData/>
do not allow me to write or paste a value (I can click on the field), the rest of the inputs work normally.
Code of <Input />
<Col lg={this.props.lg} md={this.props.md} sm={this.props.sm} xs={this.props.xs}>
<label htmlFor={this.id}>{this.props.label}</label>
<input type="text"
className={"form-control " + this.props.customClassComponent}
onChange = {input => this.onChange(input)}
onBlur={blur => this.onBlur(blur)}
If you need any more code please let me know.