How to encrypt StringConnection for a remote MySql database in C #


I'm developing an application that I want to sell, so I've created a serial verification system that checks if that activation code is already associated with the PC MAC. I do this by connecting to a remote database. If someone has a better and easier idea of how I can create this type of activation serial, I am accepting hehehe suggestions

My question is, how do I protect login information from the Connection String.

I have it there

connString "SERVER=xxx;PORT=3306;DATABASE=xxx;UID=xxx;PASSWORD=**xxx**;";

I believe that leaving this willing in the code will allow them to steal the access data to my database. Is there any way to encrypt this? Or you would have to do it right on the bank server.

asked by anonymous 04.07.2018 / 10:29

1 answer


If ConnectionString is stored in app.config you can always follow this very detailed tutorial in CodeProject : link

If you just want to encrypt / decrypt a string , just as you would with a password , you can use AES encryption: link

04.07.2018 / 11:44