Expensive, I would like to use the following example ( link ) that marks any link entered, and put in a textarea of my site to mark and warn that no links allowed. I tried with required pattern and could not. I also did the following example but it did not work in textarea:
function isUrl(s) {
var regexp = (?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|\b(?:[a-z\d]+\.))(?:(?:[^\s()<>]+|\((?:[^\s()<>]+|(?:\([^\s()<>]+\)))?\))+(?:\((?:[^\s()<>]+|(?:\(?:[^\s()<>]+\)))?\)|[^\s'!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))?
return regexp.test(s);
I've done several other examples but so far I have not been able to. Someone could give me a little help to get me started. Before anyone else negative me, I did many examples, I've been researching for several days, and since I can not put all my tests here, I went straight to the first question and was denied. Thanks