Good morning!
Personal is as follows, I have a combobox
that displays all the records of a table, until that part I could unroll. However, I need to show an input when one of these records is selected and hide this same input when nothing is selected. My difficulty is when it takes the option value and make the comparison, it follows the code of combo
<label for="empresa">empresas *</label></a><br/>
<select name="empresa" id="empresa"
onchange="ExibirDiv(this.value)" class="form-control">
<option value="">SELECIONE</option>
$parametro_empresa = filter_input(INPUT_GET,"parametro_empresa");
$empresa = "SELECT * FROM tb_empresa WHERE
razaosocial_pessoafisica LIKE '%" . $parametro_empresa . "%'";
$recebe_empresas = mysqli_query($con, $empresa);
while ($linha = mysqli_fetch_array($recebe_empresas)) {
echo '<option value="' . $linha['codigo_empresa'] . '">' .
$linha['razaosocial_pessoafisica'] . '</option>';