Try the following:
Create a worksheet called Auxiliary
In the Auxiliary Worksheet A1, use the following formula:
In the Auxiliary worksheet Cell B1: =SEERRO(ÍNDICE(Remanejamento!A$2:D$18;MENOR(SE((Remanejamento!B$2:B$18=Produção!A$3)*(Remanejamento!C$2:C$18=Produção!B$3);LIN(Remanejamento!B$2:B$18)-1);LIN(L1));4);"")
In the Auxiliary worksheet Cell C1: =SEERRO(ÍNDICE(Remanejamento!A$2:D$18;MENOR(SE((Remanejamento!B$2:B$18=Produção!A$4)*(Remanejamento!C$2:C$18=Produção!B$4);LIN(Remanejamento!B$2:B$18)-1);LIN(L1));4);"")
In the Auxiliary worksheet Cell D1:
In the Auxiliary worksheet Cell E1:
And copy the formula down by dragging. (Remember that the function is matrix, every time you tinker in the formula box use CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER)
In the Production cell worksheet F2: =CONCATENAR(Auxiliar!A1;" ";Auxiliar!A2;" ";Auxiliar!A3;" ";Auxiliar!A4;" "; Auxiliar!A5;" ";Auxiliar!A6)
In the Production cell worksheet F3: =CONCATENAR(Auxiliar!B1;" ";Auxiliar!B2;" ";Auxiliar!B3;" ";Auxiliar!B4;" "; Auxiliar!B5;" ";Auxiliar!B6)
In the Production cell worksheet F4: =CONCATENAR(Auxiliar!C1;" ";Auxiliar!C2;" ";Auxiliar!C3;" ";Auxiliar!C4;" "; Auxiliar!C5;" ";Auxiliar!C6)
In the Production cell worksheet F5: =CONCATENAR(Auxiliar!D1;" ";Auxiliar!D2;" ";Auxiliar!D3;" ";Auxiliar!D4;" "; Auxiliar!D5;" ";Auxiliar!D6)
In the cell Production F6 worksheet: =CONCATENAR(Auxiliar!E1;" ";Auxiliar!E2;" ";Auxiliar!E3;" ";Auxiliar!E4;" "; Auxiliar!E5;" ";Auxiliar!E6)