Return a JavaScript variable and PHP content - AJAX


I want a script in ajax that on the page I return the content to write in a div and a variable to use in the link of tag "A".

<a href=" escrever a variável aqui Y ">volta</a>
<div> escrever a conteudo aqui x </div>

In php I put very basic

    $abrir = $_GET['dir'];

    //Y é a variavel que quero que escreva no link da tag A atualizando ele
    $Y =  $abrir . 'link_pasta/';

    //Conteudo que quero que escreva na div
    $X = '<p>conteúdo</p>';

The script has to be triggered by sending variables, for example: <a href=index.php?dir=/pasta/">

asked by anonymous 20.08.2018 / 00:09

1 answer


Well, there are n solutions. Here's an example (requires jQuery):

html file:

<a href="#" id="lin">voltar</a>
<div id="divcont"></div>

<button id="teste">get</button>

<script  type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script>$("#teste").click(
			$.get( "meuphp.php?dir=exemplo", function( data ) {
			  var obj = JSON.parse(data);

php file:

$abrir = $_GET['dir'];
$aux = array();
$aux['link'] =  $abrir . 'link_pasta/';
$aux['div'] = '<p>conteúdo</p>';
echo json_encode($aux);
20.08.2018 / 13:24